



菠菜网lol正规平台 is a Catholic, 男女合校的, college preparatory high school community in 田生, 明尼苏达州, 由学生组成, 专业人员, 父母, alumni and friends who are actively committed to a common goal: educating each student for life. Mindful that each of us is created in God's image, 我们互相尊重, 我们为有需要的人服务, we embrace each other's differences, and we are 欢迎 to those who wish to interact with our community. AHA nurtures students to become confident, 准备, 信仰相连, 为大学生活做好了准备. 

The mission of 菠菜网lol正规平台 is to educate and nurture a diverse student population so that each student, 作为一个整体, may achieve full potential to excel intellectually, 精神生活, 负责任地领导, 公正行事, 并且无私地服务.

As a Catholic college-preparatory high school, AHA focuses on the principles in its mission statement:

The AHA Way is a program that was developed in order to intentionally create a caring, 欢迎, 包容, and respectful school environment at 菠菜网lol正规平台 (AHA).   The entire community uses the AHA Way guidelines in the way we communicate, in the way we interact with one another, 我们如何庆祝, 以及我们处理问题的方式.  The program consists of four tenets that are applied with a different set of expectations for 父母, 学生和教职员:
  • 帮助别人也帮助自己成功
  • 成为解决方案的一部分
  • 传达“你很重要”
  • 尊重缺席者
